Aspen Publishing

Connected Casebooks are now called Connected eBooks

Connected eBooks are enhanced digital textbooks and study aids that come with a suite of online content and learning tools designed to maximize student success. Connected eBooks feature a full e-book version of your text; outlining and case briefing tools to enhance your learning and save you time; a topical news feed to connect what you are learning to your everyday lives; and for select titles, a Study Center complete with practice questions from leading study aids like the Examples & Explanations and Glannon Guides.

Students can choose from a variety of formats when purchasing Connected eBooks.

Online E-book

Law school comes with a lot of reading. With the Connected eBook, you can access your enhanced e-book anytime, anywhere! These robust tools will help you learn and study more efficiently.

  • Quickly search the full text of the casebook
  • Highlight with 6 color options and create outlines with highlighted text
  • Add notes to the margins
  • Add labels to your highlights to create your own case briefs while you read
  • Print up to 30% of the e-book

Learning Tools

Outline Accelerator

Most professors will tell you that starting your outline early is key to being successful in your law school classes. The Outline Tool automatically populates your notes and highlights from the e-book into a notebook format to accelerate your outline creation process and increase study time later in the semester.

Case Briefing Tool with Social Sharing (available in casebooks)

Prepare to succeed in your law school class by using the Case Briefing Tool to label key elements of each case as you read your e-book. Simply label each highlighter color for each aspect of a case—for example, facts, rules, holding, etc.—and the Case Briefing Tool will group your highlighted text and notes for each category together in the order you specify.

News Feed

Get notifications of relevant law-related news, curated for your course area and for general interest legal topics from a variety of legal news sites.

Study Center (available for select titles)

Don't go into class or your exams unprepared. The Study Center includes short lecture videos and helpful written explanations that provide a straightforward explanation of complex legal concepts. Then you can test your knowledge with practice questions from best-selling study aids like Examples & Explanations, Emanuel Law Outlines and Emanuel Law in a Flash cards. The Study Center includes:

  • A variety of practice questions like multiple-choice, flashcards, short answer, essays, and issue spotting (options vary by course area)
  • Progress indicators highlight your strengths and weaknesses to help you better allocate your study time

“I really enjoyed reading my casebook online and being able to quickly highlight text, copy it, and search for keywords in the text easily.”

"I am so grateful for Casebook Connect in helping me understand the basic concepts of Evidence. I felt prepared when it came to my exam."

“I really loved the study section. Using the flashcards and short answer questions was extremely useful in understanding the material.”

“I really liked how searchable the book was. The index was very helpful for courses like Property and made studying easier. I have a lot of friends who had the physical casebook and felt stressed whenever they had to look for a term in the casebook during outlining season.”

“I liked that I was able to do my reading on the online book and highlight and take notes in order to prepare for class. It made my bookbag much lighter being able to carry only my laptop and notebook.”

“It was extremely helpful. I practically never used the book but rather opted to use it online. . . I never had to worry about having books on hand. The study material was amazing to use and was extremely helpful. All in all it was a great service.”
